About Travel Management Club

The Association was founded in 1978 as a voluntary study group focusing on the field of international travel. The year 2023 marks the 45th anniversary of its founding, and the organization now counts 142 members. The members of the association consist of corporate executives broadly involved in the tourism industry (major and small travel agencies, land operators, cruise specialists, airlines, hotels, government tourism bureaus, IT service providers, insurance companies, industry press, etc.).

The basic stance of the association is " A place to learn business and a place for relaxation to expand industry networking". Activities include monthly meetings with prominent guests, New Year's lectures, various friendship events, and a wide range of other activities. The monthly meetings, held eight times a year, are always elaborate, with lectures by outside speakers on current social conditions, as well as lectures by celebrities who share the joys of travel through their own experiences. We are proud to say that no other voluntary organization has such a long history. We regularly hold domestic and international study tours, where members can experience the joy of travel through their own experiences and deepen exchanges with other members, making it a truly enjoyable place to learn. At the "New Year Lecture Meeting" held early in the New Year, which has become a regular event, we invite a wide variety of celebrities as lecturers and invite many people in the industry to give lectures every year.

With the unstable future of the travel and tourism industry, the New Year's Lecture Meeting is a valuable opportunity for executives to candidly share information, discuss issues and challenges, and experience the pleasure of travel so that customers can feel the happiness of travel. We hope that many of you will join us and become a member.